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Case Studies | October 23, 2002

Mergers in Microfinance

12 Case Studies

Intended as a companion resource to "Tying the Knot: A Guide to Mergers in Microfinance". The 12 case studies presented here demonstrate that mergers are already taking place in diverse microfinance environments. While mergers may not be the solution for everyone and not all mergers succeed, there can be great value in building stronger institutions by linking up with competitors.


  • Case Study 1: FORA Fund–Russia

  • Case Study 2: Thaneakea Phum Cambodia (TPC)

  • Case Study 3: Enlace/Catholic Relief Services—El Salvador     

  • Case Study 4: Opportunity Microfinance Bank—Philippines     

  • Case Study 5: ACCION USA and Working Capital—Massachusetts

  • Case Study 6: Asala—West Bank/Gaza        

  • Case Study 7: World Bank Local Initiatives Project—Bosnia and Herzegovina                    

  • Case Study 8: XAC and GE—Mongolia               

  • Case Study 9: Financiera Confia—Nicaragua            

  • Case Study 10: Financiera El Comercio—Paraguay          

  • Case Study 11: PRODEM and FIE—Bolivia              

  • Case Study 12: Eco Futuro—Bolivia

  • Merger lessons